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How Hemp CBD Oil for Dogs Soothes Your Dog's Itchy Skin Safely

How Hemp CBD Oil for Dogs Soothes Your Dog's Itchy Skin Safely - SOL✿CBD

Is your dog constantly scratching and licking himself?

Itchy skin is often caused by skin allergies and can be really frustrating for both dogs as well as dog owners. Not only is it uncomfortable for your pup, but it can also be a sign of a bigger problem.

There are a lot of possible causes of itchy skin in dogs, from fleas to specific dog allergies, like environmental allergies, food allergies, or even seasonal allergies. And while there are many over-the-counter treatments available, they don't always work for every dog, and some have possible long-term side effects. They could even cause an allergic reaction and often they are very costly.

Table of Contents:

1. Find Natural Relief for Your Dog’s Itchy Skin
2. What Is Hemp Oil?
    2.1 Hemp Oil Vs. Hemp Seed Oil
3. Why Your Dogs' Itchy Skin Could Be a Concern
4. How to Help Your Dog with Their Itchy Skin
5. Benefits of Using Hemp Oil for Dog Allergies
6. Where to Buy Hemp CBD Oil for Dogs with Irritated Skin?
7. How Much Hemp Oil Should You Give Your Dog?
8. Liposomal Pet CBD - The Future of CBD for Pets
9. Final Thoughts


1. Find Natural Relief for Your Dog’s Itchy Skin


Hemp oil (better known as CBD oil) has skyrocketed in popularity over the past few years for people, and it turns out it can be just as beneficial for our furry friends as a natural, effective, and safe alternative. (Click to tweet) 

It's been shown to help with anxiety, pain, seizures, and inflammation. [1]

And recent studies suggest that it may also be effective in treating skin conditions like atopic dermatitis as well as many other forms of dog allergies. While more research needs to be done, there is promising evidence that hemp oil can help relieve the symptoms of itchy skin in dogs. [2]

CBD Oil Specifically Designed for Pets

RELATED: Pet CBD FAQ: How to Help Your Pet Live Better

It's a safe, natural, and relatively inexpensive option that is worth considering if your dog is suffering from this frustrating condition. [3]

So, If you're looking for a natural way to relieve your dog's itchy skin or any other forms of dog allergies, hemp oil is definitely worth considering! Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about using hemp oil for dogs suffering from skin allergies.


2. What Is Hemp Oil?


Hemp oil is a natural oil extracted from the hemp plant. This oil contains high levels of CBD, and has a lot of beneficial properties for both humans and animals. 

Hemp Oil, otherwise known as CBD oil is non-psychoactive, meaning it won't make your dog "high." It's also safe to use, and has very few side effects. [3]

Hemp CBD oil won't make your dog "high."

RELATED: Cannabidiol For Pets - Important Facts and Potential Benefits

This CBD oil derived from hemp has been used as an alternative treatment for dogs with anxiety and other conditions since the 1990s. In fact, CBD was first discovered in 1940 when researchers were trying to find a cure for cancer. They found that CBD oil had anti-cancer properties and began using it to help patients recover from chemotherapy.

Since then, CBD oil has become increasingly popular among dog owners who use it to treat various conditions, including dog skin allergies.

CBD oil has become increasingly popular among dog owners who use it to treat various conditions, including dog skin allergies.


2.1 Hemp Oil vs. Hemp Seed Oil


It's important to note that there are two different types of hemp oils:

  1. Hemp seed oil is made from the seeds of the hemp plant and does not contain any CBD. This type of oil is great for cooking and skin care, but will not provide any of the benefits we're discussing here.
  2. Hemp CBD oil, on the other hand, is made from the flowers and leaves of the hemp plant. This type of oil contains CBD and can be used to treat various medical conditions in both humans and animals. 

Whole Plant Hemp Oil Extract with Naturally Occurring CBD

RELATED: Hemp Seed Oil Vs. Hemp CBD Oil


3. Why Your Dogs' Itchy Skin Could Be A Concern


When dogs are itchy, they rely on their owners to assist them. They can't self-medicate so it can be a constant source of frustration for them, not to mention that after many hours of using their sharp nails to scratch their itchy spots they can be left with very painful sores.

Itchy skin is more commonly caused by an allergy (atopic dermatitis), but might also be an indication of a bigger problem, such as an infection. If left unattended, these problems may get worse and result in long-term health issues for your dog.

Soothe your dog's itchy skin with hemp CBD oil made specifically for pets.


4. How to Help Your Dog With Their Itchy Skin


If your dog is scratching a lot, there are a few things you can do to help ease their discomfort: 

Increase Their Fatty Acid Intake

If you think your dog's itching is due to dry skin, you can start by increasing their fatty acid intake. This can be done by adding fish oil supplements to their diet.

Treat for Fleas Regularly

If you suspect your dog has fleas, treat them with a topical spot-on treatment or oral medication.

Regular Exercise is Crucial

Make sure your dog is getting enough exercise. Itchy skin can sometimes be how they cope with boredom and lack of activity.

Help Your Dog With Their Itchy Skin: Regular Exercise is Crucial

Use Recommended Shampoo

You can use a medicated shampoo if the itchiness is severe, but avoid using human shampoo as it can be harsh on their skin.

Lookout for Possible Allergies

If your dog is scratching more during certain times of the day or after being in certain environments or doing specific things, they might be suffering from atopic dermatitis. This irritation and inflammation of the skin represents how the majority of dogs experience allergies.

Try Hemp Oil (CBD Oil)

CBD has anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve the most common cause of itchy skin–atopic dermatitis. Go for hemp CBD oil that has been made specifically for pets.


5. Benefits of Using Hemp CBD Oil for Dog Allergies


There are a number of reasons why you might choose to use hemp CBD oil for your pet's itchy skin. Not only does it help with the actual skin issue, but it has anti-inflammatory properties as well. [1] 

Benefits of Using Hemp CBD Oil for Dog Allergies

Safe and Natural

Hemp oil is a natural product that has been shown to be safe for pets. Hemp CBD oil in particular has been found to be effective in alleviating a variety of medical conditions in animals, including itchy skin. [3]


Unlike THC, CBD is not psychoactive and will not make your dog "high." This makes it a safe option for dogs who are sensitive to the effects of THC.

Has Few Side Effects

CBD hemp oil is generally well-tolerated by dogs, with few reported side effects or allergic reactions. The most common side effect is drowsiness, which is usually only seen at high doses. (Click to tweet)

In fact, CBD hemp oils are often used as an alternative for pets who are allergic to or suffer side effects from their prescribed medication. 

Available in Liposomal Form 

We have mentioned how hemp CBD oil is a natural anti-inflammatory and can help soothe your dog's itchy skin. It is also an effective pain reliever and can help to ease your dog's discomfort. (Click to tweet)

New Liposomal Pet CBD uses revolutionary technology to transport CBD into the cells of your pet more efficiently than ever before. With 17x more bioavailability and 10x faster absorption, they can feel the difference faster and at a lower dose!

Liposomal CBD Oil for Pets

RELATED: 5 Reasons the Best CBD Products Are Water-Soluble


6. Where to Buy Hemp CBD Oil for Dogs with Irritated Skin?


Hemp oil can be purchased online or at some pet stores and is available in many forms, such as tinctures or even specialized CBD dog treats.

However, it is essential to note that not all CBD hemp oil products are made the same. Be sure to choose a high-quality product from a reputable company. Poor-quality CBD products may not be effective and could even be dangerous.

Here are some things to look out for when purchasing CBD hemp oil for your furry loved one:

  • Make sure to purchase hemp oil specifically designed for pets, as human-grade hemp oil may be too strong for them.
  • Check that the hemp that is used has been grown organically.
  • Choose a product that is full-spectrum, which means it contains all the beneficial compounds in the hemp plant.

What to look out for when purchasing CBD hemp oil for your dog.

RELATED: What Does "Full Spectrum CBD" Mean?

  • Go for products that contain CO2 extracted CBD. This type of extraction is considered to be one of the most efficient and purest forms of extracting CBD. The main benefit of using CO2 to extract CBD is that it does not require the use of harsh chemicals or solvents. This means that the final product is a purer form of CBD that is free of impurities. In addition, CO2 extraction is also a more environmentally friendly method of extraction, as it does not produce any harmful by-products.
  • Avoid products that contain additives or fillers, as these could potentially be harmful to your pet.
  • Make sure the company you purchase from uses third-party lab testing to ensure the quality and potency of their product. This is important to make sure you are giving your pet a high-quality CBD hemp oil that is effective.

RELATED: How to Ensure the CBD Oil You're Using Is Pure


7. How Much Hemp Oil Should You Give Your Dog?


Often it is hard to decide how much CBD to give to your pup for the dose to be effective.

It's important to start with the smallest recommended dose as specified on the bottle, keep to that dose for at least a week or two and then increase gradually if needed.

How Much Hemp CBD Oil Should You Give Your Dog?

If you are unsure of how much to give, it is always best to consult with your veterinarian first. They will be able to help you determine the best dose based on your dog’s weight and condition.


8. Liposomal Pet CBD Hemp Oil: The Future of CBD for Pets


Is Liposomal pet CBD really that much better than other forms of CBD for pets?

As we mentioned, liposomal pet CBD uses revolutionary technology to transport CBD into the cells of your pet more efficiently than ever before. This means that your pet can feel the difference faster and at a lower dose! 

In addition, this type of CBD is also more bioavailable, which means that more of it is absorbed into the body.

Often, it's hard to know how much CBD to give your pet, and it can be expensive to keep trying different doses until you find the right one.

Liposomal pet CBD makes it easy to find the right dose for your pet. With 17x more bioavailability and 10x faster absorption, liposomal pet CBD is the most efficient and fastest way to administer CBD to your pet. So you can be sure that they're getting the most out of their CBD. (Click to tweet)

Liposomal CBD Oil for Dogs and Cats


9. Final Thoughts


If your dog is struggling with itchy skin, CBD hemp oil may be the solution you've been looking for. CBD hemp oil has been shown to help relieve inflammation and pain, as well as improve overall skin health and many pet owners are starting to realize its benefits. (Click to tweet)

See how it helped Bailey and Jack: 

Hemp CBD oil has been shown to help relieve inflammation and pain in dogs, as well as improve overall skin health and many pet owners are starting to realize its benefits.

"My cat Bailey suffers from itchy skin and my dog Jack is a large breed dog that suffers from terrible arthritis. I started giving them prescription meds. But not only was it very expensive, it also came with a range of potential side effects. It was not a long-term solution.

I was always hesitant to give my pets CBD. I didn't know how much to give them or if it would even help. But when I heard about liposomal pet CBD, I decided to give it a try.

I was amazed at how quickly they seemed to feel the difference. Within a week, they were back to their old selves again. Bailey is not scratching as much and Jack can even jump up on my bed! I'm so glad I tried liposomal pet CBD."



Organically Farmed - Giving you the

Organically Farmed

We only sell CBD that has been organically farmed to the highest of standards.

CO2 Extracted CBD - The best, purest way to extract CBD, no harmfull solvents or chemicals in our CBD

CO2 Extracted

The best, purest way to extract CBD, no harmfull solvents or chemicals in our CBD

Locally Sourced CBD - Sourced from 100% organic hemp farms in the US to give you a clean pure CBD

Locally Sourced

Sourced from 100% organic hemp farms in the US to give you a clean pure CBD.

Lab tested CBD - We test all our products to make sure that they are high quality & free from contaminants.

Lab Tested

We test all our products to make sure that they are high quality & free from contaminants.