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5 Reasons the Best CBD Products Are Water-Soluble

5 Reasons the Best CBD Products Are Water-Soluble - SOL✿CBD

When it comes to buying CBD products, we all want to get the most value out of our purchase. In today’s article, we’re going to discover why water-soluble CBD is an ideal product for you. You’ll learn about how water-soluble CBD is made, what the benefits of it are, and the science behind bioavailability

We’re going to discover why water-soluble CBD is an ideal product for you.


1. Introducing Water-Soluble CBD Products
2. How is Water-Soluble CBD Oil Made?
3. The Benefits of Water-Soluble CBD
    3.1 Fast-Acting Effects
    3.2 Longer Shelf Life
    3.3 Superior Bioavailability
    3.4 Higher Potency
    3.5 Consumption Versatility
4. Why Is Bioavailability So Important?
5. The Science of CBD Bioavailability
    5.1 Fed and Unfed States
6. Final Thoughts on Water-Soluble CBD



1. Introducing Water-Soluble CBD Products


Water-soluble products are ones that dissolve in water.

Most CBD oils mix with water as well as—just like you might expect—oil and water. The one exception is our liposomal CBD products, which are formulated to enhance absorption. These water-soluble CBD products are among the quickest and easiest ways to get your daily dose of CBD. (Click to tweet)

As we’ll learn throughout this article, they have various benefits that help bring them to the front of the pack. When it comes to water-soluble CBD products, the benefits go beyond just this major defining feature, and we’ll get to this topic shortly. First, however, we’re going to learn about how water-soluble CBD is made.

These water-soluble CBD products are among the quickest and easiest ways to get your daily dose of CBD.



2. How is Water-Soluble CBD Oil Made?


The process used to create the water-soluble CBD products we all love is called nanoemulsion. In brief, this method involves breaking up the CBD particles into the smallest ones possible and then adding ingredients to keep them safe and help them mix with water. 

As far as the other ingredients go, an emulsifier is added to stabilize the chemical situation. Nanocarriers, as they are called, are added to protect these CBD compounds and to make them attracted to water. A carrier oil is often the final ingredient in this mix.

This is cool:

This nanotechnology takes advantage of modern processing technologies to create CBD oils that can dissolve in any water-based beverage. 

This nanotechnology takes advantage of modern processing technologies to create CBD oils that can dissolve in any water-based beverage.

 Related: What is Nano CBD

You will also see water-soluble CBD powders available, which act in the same way. The only difference with these types of products is that you have a fine powder that you can stir into just about any drink. 

As you'll learn in this article, the major benefit of water-soluble CBD products is the enhanced functionality. That said, the reasons to use these products go even further.

In the following section, we’ll discover how these potential benefits impact you.


3. The Benefits of Water-Soluble CBD


There are numerous benefits to water-soluble CBD products that are worth discussing. We’ll explore each in depth to ensure that you have a solid understanding of what you’re getting when it comes to water-soluble CBD products.

There are numerous benefits to water-soluble CBD products that are worth discussing.

RELATED: Advanced Liposomal CBD for Health


3.1 Fast-Acting Effects


With water solubility, these CBD compounds quickly pass from the bottle and into your stomach. Once inside your body, CBD is already primed for quick and easy absorption. (Click to tweet)

Basically, our bodies want to absorb single compounds and then rebuild them on the other side. Water-soluble CBD is already broken up into bits and is ready to go.

With water solubility, these CBD compounds quickly pass from the bottle and into your stomach.

There are some indications that the chemical changes that result from the nanoemulsion process also speed up the time it takes to reach the onset of effects. Some people also suggest that having CBD in a fizzy drink speeds up the process even further. Guess you’ll have to find out for yourself!


3.2 Longer Shelf Life


As mentioned earlier, the emulsifier added to the water-soluble CBD helps to make it stable. Whether you buy them in powder or oil form, these products tend to have much longer shelf lives than other options. This is especially the case when comparing water-soluble CBD oil to edibles and CBD bud.

Ensure that you buy water-soluble CBD and enjoy the long shelf life.

RELATED: The New Liposomal CBD Delivery for Cats

We never want to waste our money, and so why would you want to ever have to throw away CBD? Ensure that you avoid this potential catastrophe by buying water-soluble CBD and enjoy the long shelf life.


3.3 Superior Bioavailability


After consumption, the next major factor to consider is how well the product works. We all want the products we buy to actually do what they are intended to do. This can’t occur if our body does not absorb the compounds, expelling them quickly or destroying them with stomach acid instead. 


This means that CBD bioavailability is a measure of efficiency, and water-soluble CBD products are excellent in this regard. The nanoemulsion process is known to enhance bioavailability. This means that more of the CBD compounds you pay for actually do their job (inside your body). (Click to tweet)

Superior bioavailability means that more of the CBD compounds you pay for actually do their job


3.4 Higher Potency

Water-soluble CBD products can come in incredibly potent forms. The process used to make these products dissolve in water also helps to concentrate the CBD compounds. This means that you get water-soluble CBD products with a higher percentage of CBD per mL than conventional oils or capsules. (Click to tweet)

Water-soluble CBD products can come in incredibly potent forms.

WATCH: SOL*CBD Liposomal 


3.5 Consumption Versatility


This is a topic we have already mentioned, but it bears repeating that you can’t beat the versatility of water-soluble CBD. Hot or cold, pretty much anything you drink at home can be used to create a CBD-infused beverage. This allows you to get your daily CBD dose any way you like. 

Clearly, water-soluble CBD products are able to fit very easily into your daily routine. You can consume your CBD dose easily and efficiently. No mess, no smell, no need for anything special. All you have to do is add in your CBD and mix it up. (Click to tweet)

Water-soluble CBD products fit more easily into your daily routine.

Here’s the cool part:

Another benefit that you’ll understand later in this article is how you don’t need to have a meal with your water-soluble CBD. This relates to the fact that regular CBD compounds are more easily absorbed when we have some other fats being digested. When it comes to water-soluble CBD, however, it is not a factor. This means you can have your CBD on an empty stomach whenever you need to do so. 

You don’t need to have a meal with your water-soluble CBD.

RELATED: CBD Oil’s Most Important Benefits: 2020 Update


4. Why Is Bioavailability So Important?


We mentioned the topic of CBD bioavailability earlier in this article; now we’ll look at it more closely. To put it simply, this is a critical matter in the topic of efficiency. When we consume any compound, whether a vitamin, supplement, or CBD, we want it to work. So when it comes to gaining the benefits of these products, we need to consume them and then have them produce an effect.

This is where bioavailability comes into play. It is a complex term that simply describes how effective the compound is at getting where it needs to be. It is not enough for the vitamin to reach our stomachs; it must be processed and then enter our bloodstream to take effect. The same can be said for CBD, which must be absorbed from the digestive tract into the bloodstream.

Here’s the deal:

Once in the bloodstream, the CBD compounds have no issues circulating within the body and getting where they need to go. This is like getting on the highway, racing toward your off-ramp. A substance with poor bioavailability won’t even make it to the on-ramp. 

Once in the bloodstream, the CBD compounds have no issues circulating within the body and getting where they need to go.

WATCH: Advanced Liposomal CBD Sleep Formula

Now that we have an intuitive understanding of bioavailability, let’s look at the science. Don’t worry—you won’t need to remember anything from high school biology. Everything will be defined and explained. 


5. The Science of CBD Bioavailability


Bioavailability can be thought of as efficiency. After we consume 100 compounds, how many of them reach their intended targets? Sadly, the percentages around bioavailability of CBD are not great. 

Oral bioavailability of CBD is usually around 13–19%. Smoking CBD bud is slightly better, with a bioavailability of around 31%. As you can see, all of these numbers are rather low. When it comes to CBD, we want to do everything we can to increase the effectiveness of our products. [1]

The Science of CBD Bioavailability

The reason the efficiency of CBD tends to be so low is its lipophilic nature. In other words, how much it is attracted to oils, and conversely, how much it pushes away water. 

Another reason relates to something called first-pass metabolism. What this term describes relates to the actions of the liver. After we consume a substance, it is absorbed from our digestive tract into our bloodstream. But on the way into the bloodstream, these compounds first go through the liver (hence the first-pass name).

The liver is an organ responsible for breaking down many compounds before they enter our bloodstream. The reasons for this relate to increasing absorption of “good” compounds and enhancing the removal or breakdown of “bad” compounds. 

Evidence suggests that around 70–75% of orally absorbed CBD can be removed by the liver.

So, with that knowledge, we can understand how first-pass metabolism leads to CBD compounds being excreted via the kidneys. Basically, instead of letting the CBD compounds enter the bloodstream, many are sent straight out for removal in our urine. [1]

Want to know the worst part?

The evidence suggests that around 70–75% of orally absorbed CBD can be removed by the liver. This means that all of those compounds never reach the bloodstream. Sadly, the result is that the compounds would have little to no impact on your body. [2]


5.1 Fed and Unfed States


Another topic to include when it comes to bioavailability is how much other food is in our stomachs. In science, they call this the fed and unfed states. Basically, did you eat a meal before drinking your CBD or is it the first thing you’ve had all day? 

This is important because the other compounds in our stomach impact how many CBD compounds are absorbed versus excreted. Research has shown that CBD bioavailability is increased when we are fed. The reason for this benefit is thought to be related to other fat compounds inside our tummies. These fats (oils or lipids) increase the solubility of regular CBD oils. [1]

This is crazy but amazing:

We mentioned that the regular bioavailability of oral CBD is around 13–19%. When it comes to absorption under unfed or fasted states, this number drops further. The evidence suggests that it is only around 6%. So—eating a fatty meal would increase absorption roughly fourfold. [2]

Eating a fatty meal would increase absorption of conventional CBD compounds roughly fourfold.

RELATED: Why Is CBD So Popular Today?

This is due to the fact that these compounds would attract one another, likely grouping together. And so, when our bodies absorb those nutritious fat compounds, the CBD compounds come along for the ride into our bloodstream. [1]

These researchers concluded that people consuming CBD should have some food with fat in it to enhance the absorption of CBD compounds. Now, as we learned, when it comes to water-soluble CBD, these compounds are attracted to water and not oil. And so, we can see why the fat content in our stomachs would not matter. These CBD compounds do not need to tag along with a fat compound to be absorbed. [1]

The best part of this is one we introduced earlier: you don’t have to eat with your water-soluble CBD dose to maximize absorption. For those of us who want to have some CBD before we leave the house in the morning, this makes the process more effective than with regular CBD oils

You don’t have to eat with your water-soluble CBD dose to maximize absorption.


6. Final Thoughts on Water-Soluble CBD


We can now see why water-soluble CBD has provided a way to improve the oral bioavailability of these products. Mainly, it helps to overcome the poor aqueous solubility of natural CBD. It is also now apparent why water-soluble CBD has gained considerable interest within the CBD market. [3]

What’s the bottom line? 

When it comes to water-soluble CBD, there appear to be only benefits and no downsides. We’ve already discovered how versatile, efficient, potent, and stable the water-soluble CBD products are. In regard to potential downsides, the rate of side effects from CBD products appears to be the same for water-soluble and regular ones. There doesn’t seem to be a good reason not to go with water-soluble CBD. [3] 

We’ve already established how versatile, efficient, potent, and stable the water-soluble CBD products are.

RELATED: The Side Effects of CBD Explained



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