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Is Pet CBD Oil a Natural Solution for Your Dog's Separation Anxiety?

Is Pet CBD Oil a Natural Solution for Your Dog's Separation Anxiety? - SOL✿CBD

You’re getting ready for another day at work. You perform your usual ritual: you get up at 5:00 a.m., you take a shower, eat breakfast, grab your keys and lunch, and you are out the door and on your way. You notice the entire time that your four-legged friend is getting increasingly more anxious as you get further into your daily “getting ready for work” routine. By the time you touch the doorknob, your pup is hyperventilating and whining. Why?

What can be done about dogs with separation anxiety other than taking them with you? Well, dog CBD may just be the answer.

RELATED: Cannabidiol for Pets—Important Facts and Potential Benefits

What can be done about dogs with separation anxiety other than taking them with you? Well, dog CBD may just be the answer. (Click to tweet)

Before we get into cannabidiol’s potential to help relieve separation anxiety and stress in your dog, let’s take a deeper look at what causes it and what the symptoms are.

Table of Contents:

1. Dogs with Separation Anxiety
    1.1 Separation Anxiety Triggers and Behaviors
2. Dog CBD for Anxiety
    2.1 Exercise
    2.2 Avoid Making a Scene
    2.3 Be Calm and Assertive
    2.4 Practice Leaving
    2.5 Leave Your Dog Something to Do
3. How Much CBD Can You Give a Dog?
    3.1 How Long Does CBD Oil Last for Anxiety in Dogs?
4. Side Effects and Benefits of Dog CBD Oil
5. Final Thoughts on CBD for Dogs



1. Dogs with Separation Anxiety


Separation anxiety is an extremely common canine behavioral problem. According to veterinary behavioral specialists, between 20–40% of dogs experience this issue. [1]

One of the most common complaints of pet parents is that their furry friends are destructive or disruptive whenever they leave the house. This leaves the owners feeling backed into a corner at times and nervous to come home to see what the dog has done out of stress. 

This normal behavioral issue can easily turn into a very stressful situation not only for the dog, but for the owner as well. Dogs with separation anxiety may show their stress even hours before their parent leaves the home, as they are used to their owner’s routine leaving every day. Others may not worry until the person has already left, sparking the destruction spree they are about to go on.

Dogs engage in destructive or disruptive behavior if they experience anxiety.

They may urinate or defecate in areas they normally never would, even fully housetrained dogs. You may notice complaints from the neighbors stating that the dog never stops barking, whining, or howling the entire duration of the owner’s absence. 

Other dogs may chew anything and everything they can get their jaws on. Door frames, shoes, and other objects are fair game. Anything left out that the dog can easily access may just end up being a target for relieving the stress they feel from their anxiety.

Anxious dogs may chew anything and everything they can get their jaws on.

Dogs who are left outdoors while their owners are away may make it their goal to escape or dig holes. Even dogs who aren’t left outdoors can make escape attempts, which is why it’s always important that you make sure your dog is safe and secure when you leave your home. 

While some may believe their dog is just poorly behaved and needs better house manners, it can very well be a symptom of distress and does not necessarily mean your dog is a “bad dog.” 

Puppies commonly exhibit this behavior because they are so young; they do it because they are rambunctious, and they will chew and destroy things simply because they are puppies. If you have an older or adult dog that engages in destructive behavior, it is likely anxiety.

Dogs who are left outdoors while their owners are away may make it their goal to escape or dig holes.


1.1 Separation Anxiety Triggers and Behaviors


Separation anxiety is triggered when dogs become upset by being separated from the people they are attached to and used to. The anxiety can often be so extreme that the dog physically harms or injures itself in the process. 

While separation anxiety seems pretty general, different dogs will engage in different activities having to do with their fear and stress. Some will get agitated; others will get depressed or anxious. Some will chew on the doorknob; others will chew on their paws or legs. 

Some will try relentlessly to escape; others will pace and urinate all over the home. Some will bark and howl without taking a breath; others will hyperventilate and whine. Therefore, separation anxiety does not look the same for every dog, but it is an issue regardless of what they do when you have to leave. 

Separation anxiety is triggered when dogs become upset by being separated from the people they are attached to and used to.

RELATED: Pet CBD FAQ: How to Help Your Pet Live Better in 2021

The behavior usually starts within minutes of you leaving the home, if not immediately. Though there is no exact reason behind it, it appears that more dogs adopted from shelters develop separation anxiety than those who live with a single family from puppyhood. 

The goal is to help your canine cope better and tolerate being left alone. How do you do something like that if you are not there? Well, there are a few ways, including administering your dog CBD oil directly to their tongue or mixed into their food every day. This can help them live a better life

CBD can help dogs manage their separation anxiety better.

RELATED: CBD Oil for Dogs—What You Need to Know


2. Dog CBD for Anxiety


If you use cannabidiol for yourself, you will know firsthand how effective it is in reducing stress and anxiety, along with a multitude of other benefits. Fortunately, CBD is safe for dogs as well as humans, and that’s why many have turned to it to help their best friends feel better if they have to leave.

This is where things get more interesting:

One study compared separation anxiety in pets directly to panic attacks and phobic disorders in humans. Both humans and dogs have endocannabinoid systems. Just like you, your pup also has receptors found in their nervous system, organs, and brain that naturally release endocannabinoid chemicals to help stabilize mood. [2] 

CBD works the same way for dogs as it does with us; it interacts with this system and may be able to increase serotonin levels in the brain—and as a result, make the individual (or dog) feel much calmer. It’s that simple.

Pet CBD oil can help ease anxiety and stress in dogs.

There’s also evidence that CBD may help with your dog’s seizures, as it has been known to do with humans. Dogs will usually be able to take tinctures orally or via CBD-infused chews, while humans have a larger variety of options like tincturestopicalsskincare productscapsules, and edibles.

If you do not use CBD for yourself but you are looking for a solution for your pet’s problems, let us make it clear that NO, your dog will not get high from cannabidiol. (Click to tweet)

CBD and THC are two different things, and cannabidiol is not psychoactive.

Hemp and CBD oils are perfectly safe to give to your pet if you get them from a reputable and trusted source; just do your research and try to learn the important things about giving your dog CBDIt’s even okay for cats! 

Aside from offering your dog a natural CBD supplement, such as SOL*CBD Liposomal CBD Oil for Dogs & Cats, you can help them with anxiety and stress in different ways as well. However, these tips work best and results are maximized when combined with administering CBD oilLiposomal CBD offers pain relief and tranquility for your pets.

SOL*CBD Liposomal CBD Oil for Dogs and Cats

RELATED: Liposomal CBD for Dogs—This is How it Helps Them Chill Out


2.1 Exercise


Exercise is something that many dog owners swear by to keep destructive behavior at a minimum. If you know you have to leave, consider attempting to tucker your dog out before you depart. Take them for a walk, toss the ball around the yard for half an hour—do whatever it takes to help tire them out. 

The goal behind this is to induce a “resting mode” before you are separated. This can help them relax because they are not a ball of bouncing energy when you leave; therefore, they have less energy to put into being destructive. 


2.2 Avoid Making a Scene


As hard as it might be to leave Fido sitting on the doormat without even saying goodbye or petting him, it truly helps him in the bigger picture. Feeling guilty, talking to your dog and making eye contact with them, petting them repeatedly, and saying “it’s okay” can be a massive trigger for your pet. 

Aside from offering your pet a dog CBD supplement, you can help them with anxiety and stress in different ways as well.

Your dog will get used to this ritual before you leave home, and it very well may be the starting point of his anxiety. Avoid making a scene, and your pup may feel like it’s not such a big deal after all.


2.3 Be Calm and Assertive


Yes, your dog can’t help but feel anxious or stressed when you leave, but that doesn’t mean you have to encourage the behavior. Feeling guilty or stressed when you have to leave your dog at home rubs off on your pet. He picks up those emotions, and he can tell that something is wrong because you believe something is wrong. Instead, be confident and calm, and this will let your dog know that they have nothing to worry about.

Aside from offering your pet a dog CBD supplement, you can help them with anxiety and stress in different ways as well.


2.4 Practice Leaving


You can practice being absent from your dog. Tell your dog to lie down in his bed and leave for five minutes, then go for a short walk or drive around the neighborhood. When you come back after such a short period, your dog will gradually understand that you are not leaving forever, and you will return. 

If you come back after five minutes and notice your dog is still sitting in his bed, reward the good behavior with positive reinforcement like a treat and a good-boy belly rub. 

Aside from offering your pet a dog CBD supplement, you can help them with anxiety and stress in different ways as well.

RELATED: 7 Ways a High-Quality CBD Oil Can Help Your Aging Dog


2.5 Leave Your Dog Something to Do


If you do not want your dog doing destructive things, like chewing up the couch’s armrest or digging massive holes in the yard, try leaving lots of things for him to do so he doesn’t get bored and fall into anxiety. Try leaving plenty of toys around the house (or yard) for your pup to play with. 

Interactive toys in combination with treats can work especially well. Chew toys with a hole in the center can be filled with something tasty like small diced green apple pieces mixed with peanut butter. You can even mix your dog’s CBD oil into that! Giving your dog something else to do will avert their attention from destruction or escaping.

Here's the kicker: 

Well, now that we know CBD, along with a couple of other tricks, can help calm your dog down enough to help them cope with their anxiety, you may be wondering how much cannabidiol you’ll need to give them to see results. Let’s dive right into it!

CBD oil can be mixed into peanut butter and placed inside a chew toy to keep your dog busy.

RELATED: CBD Oil for Your Pet? 6 Reasons That Will Make You Say Yes


3. How Much CBD Can You Give a Dog?


A lot of things are going to come into play regarding dosage. Not all dogs are the same; not all dogs will see the same results after being given CBD daily. The severity of anxiety, size, and age will all make a difference, so know that there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to administering CBD to your pet. 

First of all, DO NOT give your dog your CBD oil products. You want to go with a product that is designed specifically with pets in mind(Click to tweet)

Secondly, find a product that is either in tincture or treat form. Tinctures are usually the easier option, as you can provide a complete dose to your dog without giving him or her multiple treats. This is especially important for owners who have dogs with digestive sensitivities, as the oil will be easier on the stomach. 

CBD oil tinctures can easily be mixed into your dog’s regular food.

Now, the general rule of thumb is to start with 1–2mg for every 10 pounds of weight. So, if you have a 20-pound chihuahua, you can give him anywhere between 2–4mg. You’ll have to increase the dosage accordingly based on weight. 

Something to keep in mind is that not all CBD oils are created equal; some may be stronger than others. This means giving 1–2mg for every 10 pounds may change.

Dog CBD for anxiety can be administered through your pet’s treats or food or orally. You simply drop the proper amount directly into your dog’s kibble or wet food and mix it. (Click to tweet)

If you opt for the oral route, gently open their mouth and drop it onto their tongue. The most important thing is to follow the dosage instructions on the CBD oil you end up purchasing for your pet. 

Dog CBD for anxiety can be administered through your pet’s treats or food or orally.


3.1 How Long Does CBD Oil Last for Anxiety in Dogs?


Human studies have suggested that CBD stays in the body for quite a while after the effects have already worn off. It seems as though it takes approximately one week for CBD to leave the system completely. However, this amount of time can vary depending on a variety of factors, including:

  • Biochemical makeup
  • Activity levels
  • Diet and nutrition
  • Body weight

Another element in how long it remains in your dog’s body is how often it is being administered. If you only give it to your pup one time, it will probably be around three days. Using every now and then, maybe a couple times a month, would take around three to five days. Repeated use or weekly use would take over a week—possibly up to ten days or more. 

You may need a larger dose for your dog, which is totally okay. Depending on your dog’s size and weight, the severity of the symptoms that you’re trying to manage, and his physiology, you may need a greater dose than what is normally recommended. Larger-than-normal doses may stay in the system even longer. 

When it comes to how long the effects of the CBD will last in your dog, you can expect it to provide relief for around six to eight hours. 


4. Side Effects and Benefits of Dog CBD Oil


While the side effects are generally very rare and mild, there are a few that can present themselves. Those include: 

  • Dry mouth
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Low blood pressure

Of course, the benefits of CBD for dogs far outweigh any risks or mostly harmless and temporary side effects. The list is long, but here are just a few: 

  • Helps with separation anxiety
  • Helps improve appetite
  • Helps with digestive issues
  • Helps with poor sleep habits
  • Helps with joint and muscle pain
  • Helps regulate mood and overall comfort

RELATED: The CBD Oil Effects on Pets That Will Surprise You


5. Final Thoughts on CBD for Dogs


If you are concerned about how CBD will affect your dog, you can always talk to your trusted vet. Pet CBD oil is becoming quite popular, so most likely, your vet will know about it and what’s best for your dog. (Click to tweet)

Talk to your trusted vet about giving pet CBD oil to your dog.

Just like when dosing for yourself or another person, it’s best to start out small and see how your dog tolerates CBD oil for anxiety. If your dog CBD seems to be calming it a bit, go ahead and increase the dose gradually according to its body weight.

We all want to do anything we can to help our dogs live long, healthy lives (preferably without destroying our belongings), and pet CBD oil can help do just that(Click to tweet)



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