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CBD Cream for Pain: This is Why Topical CBD Helps in Relieving Pain

CBD Cream for Pain: This is Why Topical CBD Helps in Relieving Pain - SOL✿CBD

Being in pain really sucks the fun out of life. Finding solutions to the inevitable aches and pains just may come from discovering CBD cream. In the following article, you’ll learn everything you need to know about topical CBD products, including how they work and what they can do. 


1. What Is CBD?
2. The Endocannabinoid System and CBD
    2.1 Topical CBD
3. What Does CBD Do?
4. How Does CBD Cream Work for Pain?
5. Is CBD Cream Better Than CBD Oil for Pain?
    5.1 Hemp Seed Oil and Topical CBD
6. How Long Do the Effects of CBD Cream Last?
7. Can the CBD in Balm Be Absorbed through the Skin?
    7.1 What about Pets?
8. Final Thoughts on CBD Cream for Pain 



1. What Is CBD?


Cannabidiol (CBD) is just one of the many compounds produced by the Cannabis sativa L. plant. Specifically, CBD is the main actor of interest in hemp that is extracted to create CBD products. [1]

CBD has a massive list of potential benefits. On the flip side, the list of potential side effects is much smaller. And more importantly, CBD is non-impairing and does not produce THC-like effects. Finally, we know that the impacts of CBD are due to the presence of the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS). We’ll explain this system next! [1]

CBD is non-impairing and does not produce THC-like effects.



2. The Endocannabinoid System and CBD


You may not realize this but all humans have an endocannabinoid system (ECS), which involves two main receptors that we are aware of at this point in time. These cannabinoid receptors are called CB1 and CB2. The impacts of THC on CB1 in the brain are what produce the standard cannabis “high.” [1]

On the other hand, CBD interacts more with the CB2 receptor. Through these interactions with the ECS, CBD is able to modulate important physiological activity. These CB2 receptors are found all over the body, including in our skin and on our immune cells. [1] 

CBD interacts more with the CB2 receptors, which are found all over the body, including in our skin and on our immune cells.

RELATED: How Cannabinoids Interact with Their ECS Receptors


2.1 Topical CBD


In the following sections, we’ll use the new understanding of the ECS and CBD to help explore the ways CBD cream works for pain. We’ll focus on the actions of CBD as they relate specifically to local applications. After we understand what CBD can do, we’ll learn why.

Finally, after we all get on the same page, we’ll compare CBD creams and CBD oils. You’ll also find out how long the effects of CBD last on the skin, and whether the skin can absorb these compounds. 

Let's explore the ways CBD cream works for pain.

RELATED: Topical CBD: Benefits and Uses of CBD Balms and Lotions


3. What Does CBD Do?


We know that CBD interacts with the ECS and our bodies to produce widespread effects on our physiology and mental health. As already mentioned, we know that CBD does not act like THC, so there is no concern about abuse, dependence, or impairment. (Click here to tweet)

Broadly speaking, CBD has the following properties: [1] 

  • Anti-asthmatic
  • Anti-seizure
  • Neuroprotective
  • Antipsychotic
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Analgesic
  • Antitumor properties

More specifically, CBD appears to demonstrate local effects when applied topically. These effects may be similar to those listed above, but they may also vary in certain ways. [1] 

CBD appears to demonstrate local effects when applied topically.

RELATED: The Lowdown on CBD Skin Care

When talking about using CBD topically, the topics most often discussed are pain and inflammation. Below, we’ll explore the local effects of topical CBD. By using the foundational knowledge you just acquired, you’ll gain a solid understanding of the actions of CBD cream for pain and other topical concerns. 


4. How Does CBD Cream Work for Pain?


This is crazy but amazing:

Overall, researchers determined that topical cannabinoids used on the skin may reduce pain without all the THC side effects and abuse potential. [2] (Click here to tweet)

A growing body of evidence indicates that topical CBD has therapeutic potential without apparent negative effects in most individuals. Specifically, the relief of arthritis pain-related behaviors and inflammation appears to result from the use of topical CBD. [3]

The relief of arthritis pain-related behaviors and inflammation appears to result from the use of topical CBD.


While not directly related to pain, researchers were able to determine that CBD impacts protein-coding in keratinocytes, the skin cells that make keratin, to produce potential health benefits. Specifically, the treatment of different skin conditions, including atopic dermatitis and keratin disorders, may be a result of this action. [4]

Anyone who has experienced dermatitis understands that pain is certainly part of the suffering from this condition. Reductions in pain may also result from the interactions of CBD with our immune cells. 

Reductions in pain may also result from the interactions of CBD with our immune cells.

RELATED: CBD as a Powerful Immune System Balancer


5. Is CBD Cream Better Than CBD Oil for Pain?


There has been considerable interest in the topic of pain reduction and cannabinoids. Researchers have been trying to parse out the local effects in the periphery and the central mechanisms involving the brain and spinal cord.

This research has led to the implication that local activation of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) may help to regulate pain in the skin. You can think of this as a buffer for the emerging pain signals at peripheral sites. [2]

Is CBD Cream Better Than CBD Oil for Pain?

RELATED: Topical CBD Can Help Inflammation and Muscle Pain

The potential for synergy between peripheral and spinal actions of CBD should be considered. Based on this idea, it would make sense to consume some oral CBD alongside local CBD cream applications. This allows both local and central nervous system activity all in the pursuit of reduced pain. [2]

What’s the Bottom Line? 

And so, combining topical CBD with oral CBD tinctures may just provide the best synergy possible for reducing local and central symptoms. (Click here to tweet)

While CBD oil can also be applied directly to the skin, the oily nature of it makes this option less than ideal. Topical CBD products are designed for better application and maintenance of absorption so you get the most out of your topical CBD.

Combining topical CBD with oral CBD tinctures may just provide the best synergy possible for reducing local pain and central symptoms.

WATCH: SOL*CBD's Cannabidiol-infused Herbal Balm


5.1 Hemp Seed Oil and Topical CBD


We should also note that hemp seed oil is NOT CBD oil. These cooking oils have plenty of nutritional benefits but do not contain CBD. Without this vital ingredient, these products are nothing more than salad dressing.

Hemp seed oil is NOT CBD oil.

RELATED: Is Your CBD Oil Actually Just a Salad Dressing?


6. How Long Do the Effects of CBD Cream Last?


Cannabidiol (CBD) now has a well-known potential to relieve pain. Studies have found the use of local CBD treatment to be effective for acute, temporary joint inflammation. [5] 

You may be asking, though, how long do these effects last? 

How Long Do the Effects of CBD Cream on Pain Last?

RELATED: CBD Dosage for Inflammation: What You Need to Know

Unfortunately, we are lacking in research to help us determine how long these local effects of CBD last after topical application. Based on general knowledge around the half-life of CBD in the human body, we can assume that applying topical CBD every 8–12 hours may provide the most consistent effects. (Click here to tweet

Applying topical CBD every 8–12 hours may provide the most consistent effects.

On the other side of the conversation, what about the potential for long-lasting improvement from topical CBD use? This is where some positive research does exist.

For example, that same study mentioned above found some interesting results. It found that the use of topical CBD during inflammation helped to reduce joint pain at later time points. Furthermore, they noted that applying topical CBD resulted in protective effects for the nervous system during this painful experience. [5] (Click here to tweet)

The use of topical CBD during inflammation helped to reduce joint pain at later time points.

RELATED: SOL*CBD Balm - What’s In It and What Are Its Benefits

This potential to reduce the development of pain and nerve damage is incredibly exciting. While this study explored osteoarthritis (OA) specifically, future research will help us explore these potential impacts in a wider assortment of situations. Nonetheless, add this to the pile of research that found topical CBD to be safe and useful. [5]

The data presented here indicate that local administration of CBD blocked OA pain. CBD treatment also prevented the later development of pain and nerve damage in these OA joints. These findings suggest that CBD may be a safe, useful therapeutic for treating OA joint neuropathic pain.

Topical CBD's potential to reduce the development of OA pain and nerve damage is incredibly exciting.

RELATED: The Cannabidiol-Arthritis Connection


7. Can the CBD in Balm Be Absorbed through the Skin?


Topical CBD can be absorbed into the layers of the skin, but it may not make it further than that. It appears that the highly effective skin barriers are able to prevent CBD from entering the bloodstream through the blood. This is an amazing ability of the skin that helps to keep us alive.

That said, we do not yet know what the skin does with this topical CBD as it processes and utilizes the compounds. It is possible that these compounds will move through the lymphatic system, being processed and then excreted. Future research should shed light on this potential physiological route and the impacts it may have on our health and wellness.

Topical CBD can be absorbed into the layers of the skin. Skin barriers prevent it from entering the bloodstream.

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Otherwise, do not expect systemic effects of CBD if applied topically. The only way these compounds will be able to reach the bloodstream is if a chemical penetration enhancer, such as ethanol, is involved. Specifically, these formulations must use a carrier compound to help guide the CBD through the skin. 

These products are called transdermal and most often come in patch form, and not CBD balms and creams. Fortunately, as we’ve discussed, topical CBD has plenty of benefits. And if you also want systemic effects, combine it with our Fastest-Acting Liposomal CBD.

Topical CBD can has plenty of benefits. Combine it with our Liposomal CBD if you also want systemic effects.

RELATED: CBD Oil’s Most Important Benefits: 2020 Update


7.1 What about Pets?


Let us not forget our amazing furry friends! Many of the benefits that humans experience may be similar to those that pets enjoy. In fact, you can use Liposomal CBD Oil for pets with itchy skin or arthritis just like you can for humans.

You can use Liposomal CBD Oil for pets with itchy skin or arthritis just like you can for humans.

RELATED: CBD Oil for Dogs: This is How it Helps Them Chill Out


8. Final Thoughts on CBD Cream for Pain


Hopefully by now, you have a solid understanding of why CBD cream is so promising. The impacts of these skin conditions are vast, and using CBD to reduce our suffering would be a great benefit.

Here at SOL*CBD, we offer a variety of topical CBD products to help you reach your goals and reduce your symptoms. Check out our CBD Infused Herbal BalmNourish Formula, and Extra Care Formula to see what sets our products apart from the pack.

Our sophisticated and nourishing CBD topical products are made with you and your skin in mind.

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If you’re looking for a deal while getting the products you need, check out our CBD Infused Skin Care Bundle. All of our products are packed with top-quality CBD and other natural ingredients. Our sophisticated and nourishing CBD topical products are made with you and your skin in mind. 



Organically Farmed - Giving you the

Organically Farmed

We only sell CBD that has been organically farmed to the highest of standards.

CO2 Extracted CBD - The best, purest way to extract CBD, no harmfull solvents or chemicals in our CBD

CO2 Extracted

The best, purest way to extract CBD, no harmfull solvents or chemicals in our CBD

Locally Sourced CBD - Sourced from 100% organic hemp farms in the US to give you a clean pure CBD

Locally Sourced

Sourced from 100% organic hemp farms in the US to give you a clean pure CBD.

Lab tested CBD - We test all our products to make sure that they are high quality & free from contaminants.

Lab Tested

We test all our products to make sure that they are high quality & free from contaminants.