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Why You Need to Sleep Better and The Sleep Well Solution Program

Why You Need to Sleep Better and The Sleep Well Solution Program - SOL✿CBD

Who doesn’t yearn for a good night’s sleep, especially these days? Sleep is as vital to the body as food and water. It helps restore the immune, nervous, skeletal, and muscular systems and promotes smooth functioning of the endocrine and immune systems, cognitive processes, mood, and memory.

We have an internal clock that cycles in stable phases and promotes sleeping during the night for at least seven hours. The internal clock, also known as the circadian clock, is so well-tuned that differences in time zones and night shifts affect its steady cycle. 

There are a few things we can do to help regulate and improve our sleep, and taking CBD is one of them.

RELATED: 11 Ways CBD Keeps your Body, Mind, and Soul Healthy 

Time difference isn’t the only influence on our sleep; many other factors such as diet, lifestyle, and various disorders can affect sleeping patterns, and—indirectly—our bodies’ overall health. But there are a few things we can do to help regulate and improve our sleep, and taking CBD is one of them. In this article, we will take a look at common sleep issues plaguing many today, as well as the benefits of better sleep and what CBD oil can do for sleep. Stay tuned for additional insights from our very own Sleep Well Solution Program!


1. Sleeping Problems
2. Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep
3. Remedies for Disturbed Sleep
4. What Is CBD?
5. Does CBD Help You Sleep?
6. The Sleep Well Solution Program
    6.1 Why Should You Consider the Sleep Well Solution Program?
    6.2 Expert Insights Included in Our Sleep Well Solution Program
7. The #1 Sleep Formula—CBD for Sleep
8. CBD and Sleep: The Main Takeaway



1. Sleeping Problems


The American Sleep Association reports that 50–70 million adults in the US suffer from a sleep disorder. The most common sleep disorders that affect adults in the US are: [1]

  • Insomnia
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Narcolepsy
  • Hypersomnia
  • Parasomnia
  • Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder (CRSD)

Many sleep problems that adults have are not directly linked with disorders but result from sleep deprivation and sleep debt. Sleep debt is the effect of cumulative sleep deprivation that leads to fatigue, various illnesses, obesity, and significantly lowered response time. Unfortunately, drowsy driving is responsible for an estimated 40,000 non-fatal injuries and 1,550 fatalities annually in the US. [2]

The dynamic and stressful way that we live disrupts our sleeping patterns and affects our daily functioning. Adults should get 7–9 hours of sleep per night, yet 37% of 20- to 39-year-olds and 40% of 40-to 59-year-olds report sleeping less than seven hours. [3]

Symptoms of Sleep Deprivation

RELATED: This Is How CBD Helps You Manage Your Stress

While not everyone needs 7–9 hours a night for a good night's sleep, it's important to recognize when we are well-rested and when we suffer from sleep deprivation. Some of the symptoms that indicate sleep deprivation are:

  • Irritability and Depression
  • Low productivity
  • Weight gain and obesity
  • Increased sugar cravings
  • Cognitive decline
  • Increased susceptibility to diseases


2. Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep


The body has several processes that happen only during the night. These include storing and processing information collected during the day, releasing growth hormones, shutting down and rebuilding nerve cells, and repairing muscle tissue.

Here’s the cool part.

Restful sleep is not called “beauty sleep” in vain. Some benefits of sleep include improved, glowing skin; brighter eyes; and healthy, shiny hair. Additionally, people who sleep well typically have improved digestion, strengthened immune function, well-balanced emotions, and increased energy during the daytime.

People who sleep well typically have improved digestion, strengthened immune function, well-balanced emotions, and increased energy.

RELATED: CBD Oil for Sleep: How to Sleep Better


3. Remedies for Disturbed Sleep


Lack of sleep can cause severe damage to our health, and it shouldn't be taken lightly. Instead of ignoring sleep disturbances, you could try alternative remedies and lifestyle changes that promote relaxation toward the end of the day. We recommend some or all of the following.


Exercising is a great way to relieve any pent-up energy and change its flow. Staying active during the day will boost your overall health and positively affect your mood. You’ll feel ready for bed at night and you’ll find yourself sleeping better and waking up feeling rested.

Avoid Screens 

If you’re used to going to bed with the TV on or with your phone in your hand, try turning your devices off at least an hour before bedtime. Alternatively, have an electronics ban in the bedroom, dedicating the space to rest and calm.

For better sleep, try turning your devices off at least an hour before bedtime.


Melatonin is the sleep hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycles. People who have insomnia and sleep problems usually have lower melatonin levels compared to people who sleep well. Synthetic melatonin is sold as a remedy in various forms and can be found in many supplements. Consult a doctor to learn about the right dosage for you, as melatonin can cause specific side effects.


Usually, insomnia and lack of sleep stem from stress and anxiety. So, calming your mind and your subconsciousness should help you fall asleep more easily. You could try practicing yoga, meditation, mindfulness—or all three. Alternatively, practicing simple breathing techniques before going to bed can slow a racing mind and provide better quality sleep.

Usually, insomnia and lack of sleep stem from stress and anxiety.


CBD is known to help alleviate anxiety, chronic pain, and insomnia. This remarkable natural compound not only helps with falling asleep, but it also helps you stay asleep. (Click to tweet)

CBD can be a beneficial remedy for insomnia—but before you run to the shop, we need to ask: what exactly is CBD? [4]

RELATED: Using CBD for Insomnia


4. What Is CBD?


CBD is derived from the Cannabis sativa L. plant. Cannabis is composed of two principal components: CBD, which stands for cannabidiol, and THC, which stands for tetrahydrocannabinol. THC has psychoactive properties, while CBD is non-intoxicating and can reduce the effects of THC.

CBD has been the subject of many studies, and we’re still learning new things about its interactions with the body and mind. However, it’s slowly becoming the most popular alternative medicine for alleviating various conditions from what we know thus far. CBD works together with our endocannabinoid system by interacting with two key receptors. Those are CB1, responsible for our immune system and response to inflammation, and CB2, responsible for our mood, learning, and memory. [5]

CBD is slowly becoming the most popular alternative medicine for alleviating various conditions.



5. Does CBD Help You Sleep?


The discovery of the endocannabinoid system significantly changed the game regarding cannabis and its application to medicine. Studies have shown that modulating the endocannabinoid system can have therapeutic potential for many diseases and the human body's overall health. [6]

The endocannabinoid system plays a role in mood, appetite, sleep, and regulating the circadian rhythms. It uses a network of receptors within the brain and central nervous system, and CBD has shown positive results in many studies because it interacts with the receptors CB1 and CB2.

CBD oil has anxiolytic and relaxing properties, which is excellent, as both anxiety and stress can interfere with peaceful sleep. Studies have shown that people with anxiety and poor sleeping habits have had an improvement within a month of using CBD as medication. [7] (Click to tweet)

In short, yes—CBD oil can help you sleep better, and luckily, we have the right solution for you. 

CBD oil can help you sleep better, and luckily, we have the right solution for you.

RELATED: What Does CBD Do to the Mind, Body, and Your Sleep?


6. The Sleep Well Solution Program


So far, we've established the importance of good sleep, its benefits, and the science supporting sleep. We've also discussed the consequences of sleep deprivation and whether CBD can help you sleep better.

Now, let's take a look at the ultimate help for sleep-deprived individuals, our Sleep Well Solution Program.

This is where the change comes in.

The Sleep Well Solution Program is a comprehensive guide based on the knowledge of seven experts, drawn together from nearly 15 ancient and modern medical disciplines. The program is designed to help you understand what happens when you don’t get the quality of sleep your body needs, recognize the symptoms of sleep deprivation, and determine what to do to improve your sleep.

The Sleep Well Solution Program is an efficient and comprehensive guide for better sleep, a better lifestyle, and improved health.

RELATED: CBD Sleep Study: Can You Improve Your Sleep with CBD?

The six-step program starts by discovering the root of your poor sleeping habits and familiarizing you with the enemy of good sleep. You'll learn how to recognize common symptoms and implement changes in your lifestyle and diet to improve your sleep.

The Sleep Well Solution Program is an efficient and comprehensive guide for better sleep, a better lifestyle, and improved health. By investing in this program, you are already making the first step toward solving the problem. (Click to tweet)

Incorporating CBD oil—which has a proven anxiolytic effect and positively affects the circadian clock—can significantly improve your sleeping habits and sleep quality.

You can access the Sleep Well Solution Program by signing up on the website or by purchasing our #1 Liposomal Sleep Formula.

You can access the Sleep Well Solution Program by signing up on the website or by purchasing our #1 Liposomal Sleep Formula with CBD.

Now, let's discuss the program in a little more detail.


6.1 Why Should You Consider the Sleep Well Solution Program?


The seven team members who created this program are all experts in different professions. This includes practitioners, Stanford researchers, university professors, experts in orthomolecular nutrition and kinesiology, neurochemistry professionals, and nutritionists—each of whom contributes practical insights to improve your sleep.

After following the program, you'll be able to implement their expert knowledge to improve your sleeping patterns and finally solve any sleeping problems you may encounter. 

Why you should consider the Sleep Well Solution Program.

More importantly, our experts go into full detail on how sleep deprivation can affect your overall physical and mental health and why it’s essential to solve sleep problems ASAP.


6.2 Expert Insights Included in Our Sleep Well Solution Program 


One of the first things the program covers is the common sleep loss triggers and how they affect your day-to-day functioning. In total, eleven triggers affect your sleep, and each one has a different influence on your body and mind. Some of them you may not even be aware of, but their impact is more significant than you would expect. 

Some of the most common sleep deprivation symptoms are also addressed in our Sleep Well Solution Program. The consequences of long-term sleep deprivation can be devastating, and most of them remain unknown to the general public. If you want to avoid increased stress levels, chronic fatigue, and weaker immune systems, you need to be aware of the symptoms and do everything you can to prevent them from happening. 

Some of the most common sleep deprivation symptoms are also addressed in our Sleep Well Solution Program.

That's why our program is named the “Sleep Well Solution!” 

We cover the symptoms and provide actionable solutions.

The program has seven principles of treatment—ones that can be followed religiously for every individual. We pride ourselves in offering personalized treatment for everyone. We understand that people are different; that's why we design suitable treatment for your unique condition. 

Many have already seen improved sleep using our program. Here's what a few of them had to say about the results.

The Sleep Well Solution Program offers personalized treatment for everyone.

But it doesn't stop there.

We'll talk about your lifestyle, too! We emphasize understanding your specific needs, desires, and responsibilities during the day to come up with a solution that will be the best for you at night.

We also discuss supplements that can help to improve your sleep. Our experts have years of experience in the field and have worked with many patients who used supplements to improve their sleeping patterns successfully. 

Last, but not least, we discuss our Advanced Liposomal Sleep Formula, which works to complement everything you'll learn on our Sleep Well Solution Program

The Advanced Liposomal Sleep Formula with CBD works to complement everything you'll learn on our Sleep Well Solution Program.

RELATED: How to Choose CBD Oil Products That Are Just Right for You


7. The #1 Sleep Formula—CBD for Sleep


If you've been looking to invest in CBD oil for sleep or are already using it, you might want to try something that's specifically designed to improve poor sleep. In addition to the Sleep Well Solution Program, we suggest our unique Liposomal Sleep Formula, which already has proven effects. Apart from CBD, this sleeping aid is specially formulated with five other beneficial ingredients:


GABA plays a significant role in reducing the brain and central nervous system activity, which in turn relaxes your body, reduces stress, and gives you a better quality sleep


Melatonin is known as the sleep hormone, and lack of this hormone leads to interrupted sleeping cycles. 


This ingredient increases GABA production in your body. It can reduce anxiety and relaxes your body as well. 

Valerian Root

Valerian root is a natural ingredient that also increases GABA production and improves the speed of falling asleep, depth, and sleep quality. 


Passionflower also helps increase GABA in your brain. Additionally, it has a sleep-inducing effect, and it improves the duration of restful sleep.

In addition to the Sleep Well Solution Program, we suggest our unique Liposomal Sleep Formula, which already has proven effects.

RELATED: Why New Liposomal Sleep Formula Is the Best Natural Sleep Aid

These beneficial ingredients are delivered in an advanced technology called a liposome, which mimics the way a mother's milk delivers nutrients to a newborn baby. Liposomes are little fatty particles that encapsulate and deliver the formula. 

Want to know what that means? 

Liposomal supplements are absorbed easily and are excellent for providing the active ingredients to our bodies' target areas more efficiently. 

The positive effects of liposomal technology have been proven in various studies, each of which states that they are very effective in delivering micronutrients inside the human body. [8]

Liposomal CBD supplements are absorbed easily and are excellent for providing the active ingredients to our bodies' target areas more efficiently.


8. CBD and Sleep: The Main Takeaway


The Sleep Well Solution Program is made to educate people on the root causes of poor sleep and help them to make the right adjustments to their lifestyle and diet. By compiling the advice and knowledge of seven experts with experience in ancient and modern medical practices, the Sleep Well Program is an excellent investment and educational tool. (Click to tweet)

CBD oil has already proven to help with anxiety and improve sleep quality, which is where the revolutionary Liposomal Sleep Formula comes into the equation. With its combination of key ingredients and CBD, it can help you fall asleep, stay asleep, and feel better during the day. (Click to tweet)

There’s really no downside to getting better sleep—so why not start improving your sleep now? Click here to access the Sleep Well Solution Program and start sleeping better today.




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The best, purest way to extract CBD, no harmfull solvents or chemicals in our CBD

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Sourced from 100% organic hemp farms in the US to give you a clean pure CBD.

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