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How to Use CBD for Better Quality Sleep

How to Use CBD for Better Quality Sleep - SOL✿CBD

Using cannabidiol or CBD for sleep is a remedy that's rapidly growing in popularity. Knowing your way around how to dose correctly with cannabidiol for sleep is important, though.

Below we discuss how to determine CBD dose for sleep, why CBD helps with sleep, how to choose a quality CBD oil, and more.

Using cannabidiol or CBD for sleep is a remedy that's rapidly growing in popularity. 

How to Dose with CBD for Sleep

A good CBD oil will have clear instructions on how to take it. Following are other key factors you need to keep in mind for correct dosing.

Each Person is Different. The most important thing to remember when determining your proper CBD dose for sleep is that CBD affects each individual differently. This means there is no one-size-fits-all. CBD absorption into the body is influenced by factors such as weight and age.

This being said, there are a few guidelines to help you find the best dosage for you.

Start Small. The first step in dosing with CBD for sleep is starting with a small amount. This means you should start with the lowest recommended dosage. It will allow your body to become acclimated to CBD and reduce the risk of side effects.

It’s important to note there have been no serious reported side effects from CBD, and it has proven safe in animals. Some individuals have experienced dry mouth and mild stomachaches on high doses, but the side effects are usually self-correcting and are not serious. If you experience a serious and debilitating effect, stop taking CBD immediately and see your physician. [1]

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Maintain the Initial Dose. The next step is maintaining the initial dosage for at least a few days before increasing it. This is important because CBD often takes several days to kick in. In fact, in some cases, it may take up to 30 days before the full effects are realized.

Increase over Time. Once you have maintained the initial dose for between three and seven days, you can increase it gradually. Typically, you only will increase it by about five milligrams at a time, depending on the product’s concentration. Experiment with the dose till you hit your personal "sweet spot."

Take on an Empty Stomach. Unless you're taking CBD oil drops under the tongue, be sure to dose an hour before bedtime on an empty stomach. To increase its absorption, take CBD with a spoonful of coconut butter or olive oil, as cannabinoids are oil soluble.

But let's look a bit closer at the properties of this healthful cannabinoid.

What is CBD?

The Cannabis Sativa L. plant is rich in numerous constituents, like cannabinoids. CBD is one of the two best-researched cannabinoids found in marijuana and hemp plants, the other being tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Both CBD and THC work with one of the body’s most widespread regulatory systems, the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS is comprised of numerous receptors located all throughout the body.

CBD primarily interacts with two receptors: CB1 and CB2. These are primarily found in the brain, nervous system, and immune system. Both the CB1 and CB2 receptors can be activated by a cannabinoid such as CBD or THC, or by the body’s naturally occurring cannabinoids.

However, the main difference between CBD and THC is that the former does not produce any psychotropic effects. This means that taking CBD oil will not result in the “high” or other mind-altering effects THC is well known for.

This is because CBD does not bind directly to the CB1 and CB2 receptors. Rather, it encourages the body’s naturally occurring cannabinoids to activate the receptors and do more of what they normally do.

Both CBD and THC work with one of the body’s most widespread regulatory systems, the endocannabinoid system. 

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Because of this incredible interaction, CBD has shown promising evidence as an effective alternative therapy for a number of conditions beyond insomnia and poor sleep. Initial studies have found that CBD offers a multitude of medicinal benefits, including:

  • Antiemetic (reduces nausea and vomiting)
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antioxidant
  • Antipsychotic
  • Anticonvulsant (suppresses seizure activity, such as in epilepsy)
  • Antitumoral/anticancer
  • Antidepressant
  • Anxiolytic (combats anxiety)
  • Analgesic (relieves pain) [2]

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Why does CBD Help with Sleep?

Though the evidence remains largely inconclusive, numerous studies have shown CBD to be effective at both improving sleep quality and combating insomnia. Not only does CBD interact with CB1 and CB2 receptors in the ECS, it also interacts with receptors in the serotonin system.

Because of these interactions, CBD appears to influence a number of sleep-related bodily functions, including sleep-wake cycles and emotional regulation.

In smaller doses, CBD also has been shown to enhance alertness and reduce daytime sleepiness. This can be effective in increasing the consistency and strength of the sleep-wake cycle.

Because CBD has powerful anxiolytic and antidepressant effects, sleep quality is often improved for individuals suffering from depression and anxiety disorders. CBD’s analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties furthermore help to reduce pain and in turn improve sleep quality for those suffering from chronic pain and inflammatory diseases. [3]

CBD appears to influence a number of sleep-related bodily functions.

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How to Source Quality CBD

An important aspect of CBD usage is acknowledging that not all products are created equally. Several factors must be considered before buying a CBD product to ensure that you receive the maximum benefits.

First, you should ensure that the CBD product you choose is a whole-plant extract, sourced from organically grown hemp and extracted by carbon dioxide. Whole-plant extracts are preferable to isolates due to CBD’s synergistic nature and the way it interacts with the other cannabinoids and terpenes found in hemp plants.

It’s crucial that the hemp from which the CBD is sourced is organically grown. This is because hemp is an incredibly efficient bioaccumulator, meaning it will absorb nutrients and chemicals in the surrounding soil, good or bad. So, if pesticides, herbicides, and other harmful chemicals are used in the growing process, it’s likely they will end up in the final product as well.

Similarly, extracting CBD products using unsafe methods, such as heat and solvents, will result in the final product’s quality to be compromised. Using heat will kill many of CBD’s essential nutrients as well as reducing its medicinal benefits. Like harmful chemicals, solvents also tend to end up in the final product when that extraction method is used.

Thankfully, many natural approaches can help your sleep cycle get back on track. Yet why is it important to address the problem of insomnia?

RELATED: CBD Dosage - How Much CBD Oil is Right for You?

The Dangers of Insomnia

Lack of sleep and poor sleeping habits can have a severe negative impact on overall health. It is estimated at least one in three people suffers from either mild or severe insomnia.

Those affected by insomnia have a higher risk of health problems such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and depression.

Lack of sleep also can negatively affect your memory, cause weight gain, and encourage premature aging. Furthermore, doctors have found that prolonged use of sleeping pills tends to lessen their effectiveness.

Other negative side effects of lack of sleep include:

  • Trouble thinking or concentrating
  • Increased risk for accidents
  • Mood swings and irritability
  • Weakened immune system
  • Reduced sex drive
  • Poor balance and coordination [4]

CBD has shown promising evidence as an extremely effective alternative therapy for a number of health conditions, including poor sleep quality and insomnia. Because it interacts with a variety of receptors and systems within the body, CBD is able to directly influence many aspects that make up healthy sleep patterns.



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The best, purest way to extract CBD, no harmfull solvents or chemicals in our CBD

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Sourced from 100% organic hemp farms in the US to give you a clean pure CBD.

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