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CBD for Tendonitis: How CBD Oil Can Help Relieve Tendonitis Symptoms

CBD for Tendonitis: How CBD Oil Can Help Relieve Tendonitis Symptoms - SOL✿CBD

Many of us have experienced tendonitis in our lives. Tendonitis can be a persistent and irritating issue, but there are ways to manage it and bring it under control to find relief. Let’s take a closer look at tendonitis, its causes and symptoms, and the best ways to reduce and prevent it, including ways CBD (cannabidiol) can help. 

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Table of Contents:

1. What Is Tendonitis?
    1.1 Who Is Prone to Tendonitis?
2. Common Symptoms of Tendonitis
    2.1 Matching Symptoms with Causes
3. Areas Prone to Tendonitis
4. Fastest Ways to Get Rid of Tendonitis
5. How CBD Oil Can Reduce Tendonitis Pain and Inflammation
    5.1 Pain Relief with CBD
    5.2 Best Forms of CBD for Tendonitis
    5.3 Additional CBD Oil Options for Tendonitis
6. Best Ways to Prevent Tendonitis Flare-Ups
7. Final Thoughts on CBD for Tendonitis




1. What Is Tendonitis?


Tendonitis is one of the most common orthopedic conditions people seek treatment for. Tendonitis is inflammation of the tendons, and this issue can occur anywhere on the body where tendons are located. When tendons become inflamed, it eventually leads to swelling, discomfort, and pain. The human body contains hundreds of tendons throughout various areas, and they can become inflamed at any point in time.

That being said, certain tendons are more prone to inflammation depending on several factors. However, with time and rest and sometimes medical attention, these issues can easily be treated.


1.1 Who Is Prone to Tendonitis?


Runners and athletes are more likely to develop tendon inflammation and tendonitis (also called tendinitis). Furthermore, around 50% of all sports-related injuries are related to tendons.

Wearing a splint or a brace may help restrict movement and allow healing of tendonitis.

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However, non-athletes are not exempt from this condition. Anyone can get tendonitis. However, it’s more common with individuals who constantly do repetitive activities related to their jobs or everyday lives.

Some examples of professions that could result in tendonitis:

  • Construction workers. They are frequently extending their arms away from their body.
  • Carpenters. This career also requires repetitive movements, such as swinging a hammer.
  • Writers. Typing for extended periods can also cause tendinitis.
  • Artists, painters, machinists, and hairdressers. These groups are also known to repeat the same movements consistently.

Repetitive movements every day, over long periods, will cause inflammation in the tendons. Even cleaning the house, doing yard work, or gardening can inflame tendons.

Anyone can develop tendonitis, and this condition can affect virtually any tendon within the body.

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Now that we know who is more prone to tendonitis and what tendonitis is, let’s discuss the symptoms to look out for.


2. Common Symptoms of Tendonitis


The main symptom of tendonitis is pain at the tendon site and its surrounding areas. This pain can build up slowly over time, becoming incredibly uncomfortable. Or it can be sudden, and the pain can be severe.

The pain associated with tendonitis often feels tight and dull. Some other symptoms of tendonitis include:

  • Swelling
  • Tenderness
  • Dull ache
  • Weakness
  • Grating sensation when moving the joint

The symptoms of tendonitis aren’t always easy to identify, so it’s essential to speak with your doctor if you feel that you may have tendonitis.

The symptoms of tendonitis.

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2.1 Matching Symptoms with Causes


Review your lifestyle habits, think about your job and day-to-day activities, and try to find a link between the tendon(s) causing you pain and the cause.

If your wrists are constantly aching and are swollen and painful from time to time, and you work a desk job for a living, the potential of tendonitis is there. On the other hand, if you recently fell and landed on your wrist and your wrist has been causing you pain, it may just be an injury to the area.

Here’s the good news: 

Symptoms of tendonitis can be resolved with non-invasive treatments, such as using CBD oil or icing the area repeatedly. Only in rare circumstances does tendonitis become very persistent and extremely difficult to manage. (Click to tweet)

Non-invasive treatments, such as using CBD oil or icing the area, are usually successful at controlling tendonitis.

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3. Areas Prone to Tendonitis


Certain areas of the body are more prone to irritation from tendonitis. Some of the most common forms of tendonitis include:

  • Achilles Tendonitis
  • Posterior Tibial Tendonitis (inner ankle)
  • Patellar Tendonitis (kneecap)
  • Rotator Cuff Tendonitis
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Wrist Tendonitis

If you’ve noticed frequent pain, swelling, or dull aches in any of these areas, you could have tendonitis.

Certain areas of the body are more prone to irritation from tendonitis.

If you suspect you have tendonitis in one or more areas of your body, make an appointment with your doctor. Typically, your doctor will be able to tell you if you’ve got tendonitis from the physical exam alone. However, sometimes they will order specific imaging tests to understand what is causing your pain.

Here’s another thing:

Doctors may also suggest physical therapy, as specialized exercises may gently stretch and strengthen both the tendon and surrounding muscles.

On rare occasions, tendonitis may be caused by infection. In these cases, the tests get a little more complicated. Your doctor may have to order blood tests or take a fluid sample from the area to test for signs of infection.

Seeing a doctor can help you understand what is causing your tendonitis.


4. Fastest Ways to Get Rid of Tendonitis


There are many different ways to relieve yourself of tendonitis. Some treatments include:

  • Changing your activities/movements
  • Icing the area to reduce inflammation/pain
  • Using a splint to limit movement
  • Steroid injections to reduce inflammation/pain
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine to reduce inflammation/pain
  • Antibiotics if tendinitis is due to infection
  • Surgery (for severe cases that do not resolve with the treatment methods listed above)

While this is all excellent advice, many of us question whether there are any more natural methods available for treating tendonitis. Steroid injections and anti-inflammatory medicines may be a turn-off for some.

If you’re interested in more natural ways to manage your tendonitis, CBD is a great choice.

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Besides icing the area, changing your everyday activities, and using a splint, what else can you do to help relieve the painful symptoms associated with tendinitis? This is where CBD comes into play.


5. How CBD Oil Can Help Reduce Tendonitis Pain & Inflammation


While cannabidiol isn’t necessarily a cure for tendonitis, its potent anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties may be able to help you live life more comfortably.

CBD is commonly known for its anti-inflammatory benefits. Since tendonitis is a condition based on inflammation, this suggests that cannabidiol may be able to manage your symptoms. (Click to tweet)

A large number of individuals have already begun using CBD oil to relieve the pain and inflammation associated with tendonitis. Doing so offers the much-needed pain relief that allows you to rest while your body recovers. (Click to tweet)

CBD has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

Check this out…


5.1 Pain Relief with CBD


Many athletes have used CBD for years to manage muscle, joint, and tendon injuries. Some even go as far as sponsoring established brands or creating their own line of CBD. This gives you some clear insight into how cannabidiol has been a trusted source of relief for many people facing injuries and inflammation(Click to tweet)

One study showed that CBD applied topically effectively lowered inflammation, and therefore, reduced pain caused by arthritis. It also found that cannabidiol may be a safe treatment for osteoarthritis. [1]

A separate study from 2016 had similar results, revealing that topical use of CBD can help mitigate the inflammation associated with arthritis in rodent models. [2]

Research suggests that CBD may be an effective way to manage inflammation and pain within the body.

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More research is required to decide on the subject before concrete evidence is presented. However, current research surrounding CBD and inflammation paints a promising picture.


5.2 Best Forms of CBD for Tendonitis


You’ll want to read this:

Adding CBD to your daily routine couldn’t be simpler, especially since there are so many great options on the market. You can find plenty of topicalscapsulestincturesskincare products (CBD is great for psoriasis and acne), and even pet products!

RELATED: Using CBD for Skin Care: A Natural Remedy

It is important to be carefully discerning about who you’re purchasing your cannabidiol oil from, as some companies don’t put much effort into their products’ quality. Some don’t even offer lab test results to their consumers, which is a massive red flag.

If you’re trying to control your tendonitis, try using a CBD-infused balm you can massage into the inflamed area. You can also use balms and topicals in addition to using a CBD Tincture for pain relief(Click to tweet)

Adding CBD to your daily routine couldn’t be simpler, especially since there are so many great options ranging from topicals to capsules and tinctures.

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If you struggle with tendonitis regularly and have been for years, you may want to try using topicals with a tincture. The addition of the sublingual tincture may help prevent inflammation from the inside out, maximizing your benefits.

CBD tinctures and capsules are popular choices for pain relief and controlling inflammation internally—like inflammatory bowel disease, for example.

Topicals are better for targeted areas of pain that can be isolated, like tendonitis in your elbow. Widespread tendonitis, or tendonitis that occurs in multiple areas of your body, will probably be better managed with sublingual CBD tinctures as opposed to balm.

Using CBD oils, tinctures, or capsules would be ideal for widespread tendonitis, as topicals would be better for smaller areas of pain.

Here’s another thing:


5.3 Additional CBD Oil Options for Tendonitis


If you don’t like the idea of messing with tinctures or tasting the CBD oil, you can always use capsules. They are filled with precise doses of CBD oil, and they are easy to take along with you. However, it’s important to keep in mind that this ingestion method has to go through the digestive system.

CBD oil taken sublingually absorbs into the bloodstream almost immediately. In contrast, capsules will have to travel through the digestive system, break down, and then whatever is left will absorb into your bloodstream.

That being said, if you want the most effective method of using cannabidiol, go with a premium CBD product such as our liposomal formula. Its advanced process provides 17 times better bioavailability than traditional tinctures through the protection of liposomal fat bubbles.

The advanced liposomal CBD formulas provide 17 times better bioavailability of CBD than traditional CBD tinctures.


6. Best Ways to Prevent Tendonitis Flare-Ups


Flare-ups are going to be a common occurrence in individuals with tendonitis. Flare-ups usually consist of a notable increase in pain, usually because of extra strain or movement at the site of inflammation.

There are a few things you can do to prevent tendinitis flare-ups, such as:

  • Try incorporating high-quality CBD oil into your regimen
  • Rest. Try to avoid moving the tendon that is causing you pain for a day or two
  • Apply ice for 20-minute sessions every 2–4 hours
  • Support the tendon. Wear a brace or wrap the tendon to restrict movement—not too tight
  • Talk to your doctor about a medication that may be able to help

Next time you feel your tendonitis flare up, follow our tips above and see how you feel in 2–3 days.

There are a few things you can do to prevent tendinitis flare-ups.

RELATED: SOL CBD Balm: What’s In It and What Are Its Benefits


7. Final Thoughts on CBD for Tendonitis


When tendonitis gets the best of you, grab an ice pack and sit on the couch. Ice the area throughout the day, every three hours or so, for 20 minutes at a time.

In between your cold compress sessions, apply your soft brace or wrap. Remember not to make your brace or wrap too snug, as this can further complicate things by causing more pain and inflammation.

Take cannabidiol daily to maintain balance in the body and reduce inflammation overall, and you can also apply your CBD balm to the area of pain once or twice a day. Just follow the instructions listed on the label. In addition, CBD oil and CBD balm can be used together to maximize your benefits.

Use CBD oil and CBD balm together to maximize your benefits.


If you work in a physically demanding job, consider taking a sick day or two to help you recover. Pushing yourself can worsen the inflammation and put you out of work for much longer.

Lastly, if you feel like this other stuff isn’t working, speak with your doctor. They can advise you on any further steps you can take to control your pain.



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