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Liposomal Sleep Aid With CBD: The Natural "Sleeping Pill" for Better Health, Energy & Performance

Liposomal Sleep Aid With CBD: The Natural

Do you have trouble sleeping? If so, you're not alone.

Millions of people around the world suffer from insomnia or other sleep-related problems. But what many don't realize is that not getting enough sleep can lead to all sorts of problems down the line, from decreased productivity to health issues.

RELATED: Using CBD For Insomnia: What Science Says

And we all know that standard sleeping pills are not a long-term solution, they can be addictive and come with a host of possible side-effects.

So what can we do to make sure that we are getting the sleep our bodies so desperately need?

Table of Contents:

1. What Does CBD Have to Do with Sleep Aids?
2. Why Is a Good Night's Sleep Important
3. The Science of Sleep
4. The Benefits of Taking Natural Sleep Aids
    4.1. Why You Could Take Natural Sleep Aids Even If You "Sleep Well"
5. Why Sleeping Pills Are Not a Long-Term Solution
6. The Innovative Liposomal Natural Sleep Aid
    6.1 CBD for Anxiety Relief
    6.2 CBD for Pain Management
    6.3 Natural Nutrients for Deficiencies
7. What Makes the Liposomal Delivery Mechanism So Important?


1. What Does CBD Have to Do with Sleep Aids?


Cannabidiol (CBD) has come a long way over the years, and we have started to combine its healing properties with other powerful nutrients to provide tailored solutions.

RELATED: 7 Realistic Ways CBD Can Help Improve Your Life

In addition to that, new innovative liposomal technology allows us to maximize how these nutrients are delivered to your cells.

In this article we’re going to take a look at the latest innovation: The combination of CBD with well-known natural supplements that have proven their worth individually as natural sleep remedies.

The liposomal sleep formula combines the healing properties of CBD with 5 other powerful nutrients!

We will unpack all you need to know about this new all-natural form of Liposomal sleep aid.


2. Why Is a Good Night's Sleep Important?


In today's fast-paced world, it can be difficult to maintain a healthy sleep cycle. However, making a conscious effort to get seven to eight hours of sleep each night can have a significant impact on your overall well-being.

A good night's sleep is important for many reasons. It helps you feel refreshed and energized the next day, thus helping with productivity, and it can improve your mood and cognitive function. Lack of sleep has been known to contribute to serious health problems such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease - to mention a few.

It is no wonder that sleep plays such a crucial role in our lives, so much so that everything else you might be doing to improve yourself and your health could be undone without proper sleep.

Exercising and eating well could be all for nothing without a healthy sleep-cycle.


3. The Science of Sleep


Sleep is a complex process that involves different stages and activities.

There are two main phases of sleep: [1]

REM (rapid eye movement) sleep - is the most active phase of sleep and this is when dreams occur.

NREM (non-rapid eye movement) sleep - is a deeper, more restful phase of sleep. This phase is further divided into three stages: light, moderate, and deep sleep.

The Science of Sleep

Most people cycle through these four stages of NREM and REM sleep several times during the night.

Stage 1 NREM: light sleep, during which you may drift in and out of sleep.

Stage 2 NREM: moderate sleep, during which your heart rate and breathing slow down.

Stage 3 NREM: deep sleep, during which your body repairs itself.

Stage 4 REM: dreaming phase, during this period of sleep your brain is active and dreams occur.

The first few cycles usually have longer periods of deep sleep, followed by shorter periods of REM sleep.

As the night goes on, the periods of REM sleep become longer and the periods of deep sleep become shorter.

Deep sleep is when the body repairs itself.

The Difference Between Deep Sleep and Light Sleep

Deep sleep stage of NREM phase is a very important stage of sleep, during which your body repairs itself and growth hormones are released. Deep sleep is different from light sleep in that your brain is less active and you're less likely to wake up.


4. The Benefits of Taking Natural Sleep Aids


If you're not getting enough sleep or have trouble falling asleep, taking a sleep aid can help. Sleep aids improve the quality of your sleep and help you fall asleep faster.

Sleep aids can also increase the amount of time you spend in deep sleep, which is when your body repairs itself.

RELATED: Natural Alternatives To Common Prescription Meds Without the Terrible Side Effects


4.1. Why You Could Take Natural Sleep Aids Even If You "Sleep Well"


The answer is simple: to optimize your sleep. Just like how eating healthy and exercising can optimize your physical well-being, taking a natural sleep aid can help your body to function at its best.

Taking natural sleep aids can help your body to function at its best.

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Sleep is essential for good health, and even small improvements in the quality of your sleep can have a major impact on your overall well-being. If you're not sure whether or not you're getting enough quality sleep, a sleep supplement can still be a helpful way to improve your sleep and feel more rested during the day.


5. Why Sleeping Pills Are Not a Long-Term Solution


Simply put, most prescription sleep aids are not a long-term solution to improve sleep quality. While you may be falling asleep faster, they can have side effects such as morning grogginess, headaches, and nausea.

This is the reason why so many are turning to natural sleep remedies to sustain their quality of sleep.

Most importantly they can also be highly addictive and lead to dependency if taken for an extended period.

This is the reason why so many are turning to natural sleep remedies to sustain their quality of sleep.


6. The Innovative Liposomal Natural Sleep Aid


Some of the most powerful natural sleep aids that have been extensively researched and have been used for improving sleep quality are melatonin, Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), valerian root, and passion flower. [2]

An all-natural, powerful sleep remedy with CBD and melatonin.

The liposomal sleep aid is the only natural sleep remedy in the world that contains these five powerful sleep-aiding nutrients–melatonin, GABA, 5-HTP, valerian root, and passion flower–in addition to CBD, shown to improve sleep quality without morning grogginess. (Click to tweet)

The addition of CBD is crucial, as it combines with the five natural sleep aids to combat the main reasons people have difficulty getting quality sleep: pain, anxiety and/or stress, and deficiencies.

It has already been well documented that CBD can help with the first two issues: pain, and anxiety.

Main reasons people have difficulty getting quality sleep: pain, anxiety/stress, and deficiencies.

Here's how:


6.1 CBD for Anxiety Relief


CBD can have a dramatic impact on anxiety by modifying the way your brain's receptors react to serotonin, a chemical that is linked to mood. (Click to tweet)

These receptors are proteins that are attached to your cells and receive chemical communications and help your cells react to various stimuli.

One study found that a 600mg dose of CBD helped people with social anxiety deliver a speech. [3]

RELATED: Does CBD Help You Stay Cool, Calm, and Collected?

Other earlier studies on animals have shown that CBD may also help relieve anxiety by decreasing the physiological effects of anxiety, such as an increased heart rate. 

CBD can help relieve anxiety and pain.

RELATED: CBD And Anxiety: What Does the Research Say?


6.2 CBD for Pain Management


CBD oil is known to help with pain management. Scientists believe that it alters the way the brain perceives pain. [4] (Click to tweet)

CBD may also reduce inflammation, which is known to contribute to pain.

But what about deficiencies?

This is where things get interesting...


6.3 Natural Nutrients for Deficiencies


We have combined CBD with powerful natural sleep aids to ensure that your body has sufficient nutrients to help you improve sleep quality. No more taking a million different supplements, we have combined them into one powerful tincture(Click to tweet)

Here's a quick rundown on the natural sleep aids that we have included in this tincture.

SOLCBD's Advanced Sleep Formula with CBD + Melatonin


The most popular natural sleep aid, Melatonin, is known as the "sleep hormone" because it helps regulate sleep and wake cycles. Levels of melatonin naturally rise in the evening as darkness approaches, signaling the body that it's time to wind down and sleep. [5]

Melatonin also helps regulate other aspects of circadian rhythms, such as body temperature and the release of certain hormones. 

Melatonin production is impacted by a variety of factors, including age, light exposure, and lifestyle.


GABA is a chemical messenger in the brain that's involved in regulating nerve cells and sleep. GABA helps to induce relaxation and sleep. It's also known to play a role in anxiety control. [6] 


5-HTP is a precursor to serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood, sleep, and appetite. [7]

Some people use 5-HTP supplements to increase serotonin levels and promote better sleep. One small study showed that 5-HTP improved sleep quality and reduced the amount of time needed to fall asleep.

Valerian Root and Passion Flower

Valerian root and passion flower are plants that have been used for centuries as natural remedies for sleep problems. They’re thought to work by increasing the production of GABA, which helps to calm the nervous system and promote relaxation. [2]

Some research suggests that valerian and passion flower may be effective at improving sleep quality and reducing the amount of time needed to fall asleep. Passion flower is also sometimes used to treat anxiety.

All with the added bonus of being encapsulated in a liposomal delivery system for maximum sustained absorption!

SOLCBD's Advanced Sleep Formula with CBD + Melatonin


7. What Makes the Liposomal Delivery Mechanism So Important?


Liposomes are microscopic bubbles made of phospholipids, the same substance that makes up cell membranes.

They create closed bubbles that encapsulate the CBD and nutrient molecules to prevent them from being metabolized by the body too quickly. Thus allowing for optimal nutrient delivery into the bloodstream. (Click to tweet)

This also means that you will feel the difference faster at a lower dose!

Liposomal tinctures promote optimal nutrient delivery into the bloodstream.

We are so confident in our liposomal sleep aid's ability to improve sleep quality that we offer a money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, simply contact us within 60 days for a full refund. No questions asked!

So why wait? Get the best sleep of your life tonight with our Liposomal Sleep Formula!



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The best, purest way to extract CBD, no harmfull solvents or chemicals in our CBD

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Locally Sourced

Sourced from 100% organic hemp farms in the US to give you a clean pure CBD.

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Lab Tested

We test all our products to make sure that they are high quality & free from contaminants.